Time to take


We must act NOW to come alongside struggling Afghans families during their first 6 months in America.



for BOLDNESS, and pray for struggling Afghan families


In supporting the needs of Afghan families


with radical generosity of your time, talent, money, and resources.

Acts 4:29

“Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.”

Prayer humbles us and expresses our dependence on God.

Pray for boldness to live out your calling to serve Afghan families.

Pray for opportunities to love our new Afghan neighbors.


for BOLDNESS, and for Afghan families struggling to resettle in America.


with radical generosity of your time, talent, money, and resources.

Acts 4:32

“No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.”

We can stabilize one Afghan family for $120/month. Give today!

Consider volunteering 20 or more hours per week to support an Afghan family! Email norcalrefuge@gmail.com to get involved!

Give specifically requested essential and specialty items to neighbors in need, churches, and local charities. In addition consider donating educational materials to local schools, students and teachers.

(Please only make donations of physical items when requested by our team. Keep up to date on specific needs by joining our mailing list byclicking here.

Acts 4:33-34

“And God’s grace was so powerfully at work…there were no needy persons among them.”

Consider becoming a volunteer by committing at least 40 hours per week. All volunteers will be thoroughly trained and equipped to work with Afghan families. We’re looking for Farsi speaking Iranian-Americans and English speaking Americans that are willing to give their lives to spending time with Afghan families for the next year. For more information, contact us at norcalrefuge@gmail.com


In supporting the needs of Afghan families


for BOLDNESS, and pray for struggling Afghan families


In supporting the needs of Afghan families


with radical generosity of your time, talent, money, and resources.