The Situation

Thousands of Afghan refugees have resettled in Sacramento and are now working to make Northern California their new home. Most families have now lived in the Sacramento area for more than a year. The NorCal Refuge team is continuing walk along with them, helping them to adjust to a new culture, find new career opportunities, and support their kids and families.

The Data

Afghan refugees coming to Sacramento & Bay Area
Afghan families with significant unmet needs
Cost to stabilize one family

The Plan

  • Apostolic Teams:
    A Persian Farsi speaker will be paired with a group of Afghan families. Each Apostolic team will be in charge of walking alongside families, supporting each family towards the outcomes below.
  • Fundraising:
    We plan to engage with generous neighbors to raise funds to employ apostolic teams (a mix of paid and volunteer members). The cost of stabilizing one Afghan family is $120/month
  • Partnering:
    NorCal Refuge has developed an extensive network of churches, non-profits, refugee resettlement agencies, government partners, individuals and businesses who share our vision to see our new Afghan neighbors stabilized and thriving in our communities.
  • Building Ekklesia: Place Based & Asset Based
    The NorCal Refuge Apostolic teams, using the Luke 4 method, will focus on building Ekklesia among Afghans in apartment complexes and hotels throughout Sacramento and the Bay Area. Following Jesus’ instructions, we identify the person of peace in each apartment community, and then connecting small groups and churches with those people of peace who heal the sick, meet needs, and declare that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.

The Outcomes

Norcal Refuge’s mission is to come alongside Afghan families to bring good news and help them feel at home giving their kids a bright and healthy future.

  • Family & Children
    Provide programming for kids to connect with American peers and feel at home in America, while still building and maintaining their Afghan cultural identity.
  • Empowerment
    Support families in moving from a “first job” in the US to a “career” in the US.
  • Health
    Ensure that each family has access to medical care as well as training and understanding in navigating the health care system.
  • Relational
    Ensure that each Afghan family has one strong friendship with a Farsi speaking Christian.
  • Spiritual
    Each family (including kids & adults) is prayed for, knows why we are doing this and has a conversation about the good news when appropriate.